About Us

Rock the Vote is the most trusted and effective 501c3 nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to building the political power of young people.

Censorship is UnAmerican by Josh Gosfield

Artist Credit: Josh Gosfield


Empowering Young People

In 1990, music executives founded Rock the Vote in response to the censorship of hip-hop and rap artists. Our first partnership, with MTV, promoted the message that “Censorship is Un-American” and activated millions of young people across the country to exercise their rights and represent their interests. For over thirty years, we have continuously adapted to the changing landscapes of media, technology and culture to breakthrough and empower each new generation.


tech partners





tech partners

14 M



We are drawing on our decades of experience to deploy the most effective and impactful messages, tactics, and technology to uplift and empower the largest, most diverse generation in U.S. history. We do this while also pioneering innovative ways to make democratic participation more accessible and defending young people’s right to vote.


2016 voter turnout


first-time voters

7 M


3.5 M



2020 voter turnout


first-time voters



A Generation Without Representation

In 2024, Millennials and Generation Z will comprise 44% of American voters

Young voters are new voters and as new voters they face unique obstacles to voting that result in turnout that is historically 20 to 30 points below older voters. This discrepancy is even greater in midterms, state and local elections. As a result, our democracy continuously fails to represent youth, generation after generation.

As young voters overcome these challenges to break turnout records as they did in 2018 and 2020, they’ve become the target of voter suppression efforts. From the rise of voter ID laws to intensified efforts to remove polling sites from college campuses, young people must navigate obstacles designed to keep them from making their voices heard.

We know what works.

The challenges young voters face as new voters are not insurmountable. Our efforts focus on research-driven programs and innovative solutions to right the system and ensure each youth generation is represented in our democracy.

To learn more about Rock the Vote’s work to empower young people, view our Impact Reports:

2020 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report

Meet the Team

Carolyn DeWitt

Carolyn DeWitt

President & Executive Director

Deirdre Benavides

Deirdre Benavides

Associate Manager of Digital Engagement

Teja Foster

Teja Foster

Social Media Director

Madison Henry

Madison Henry

Civic Technology Fellow

Chris Palumbo

Chris Palumbo

Director of Corporate Partnerships

David Pruter

David Pruter

Digital Ninja

Katie Romero

Katie Romero

Digital Content Coordinator

Melissa Wyatt

Melissa Wyatt

Director of Civic Technology and Policy

Board of Directors

Amanda Brown Lierman

Amanda Brown Lierman


Lara Bergthold

Lara Bergthold


Jessica Reeves

Jessica Reeves


Russell Glass

Russell Glass


Wayne Jordan

Wayne Jordan


Mũthoni Wambu Kraal

Mũthoni Wambu Kraal


DeRay McKesson

DeRay McKesson


Jesse Moore

Jesse Moore


Michael Skolnik

Michael Skolnik


Jeff Ayeroff

Jeff Ayeroff

Founder & Director Emeritus