Online Voter Registration Platform
A Simple Solution for Modern Voter Registration
Rock the Vote offers our Online Voter Registration tool to our partners for basic and premium use. Basic use allows partners to link the tool for free on their website.
Fill out this form to receive the basic embed code for our Online Voter Registration and other tools.
Premium use of our Online Voter Registration Tool includes customization and robust data reporting capabilities. To request more information or to access the premium version of our Online Voter Registration Tool email us at
*Made possible thanks to support from AAPI Civic Engagement Fund
Get Your Own Registration Tool
We’re proud to power the voter registration efforts of many organizations in the civic engagement space. We invest in our technology, ensure it’s the very best for our own programs, and make it available to partners who are also committed to registering and turning out new voters.
Rock the Vote’s OVR Platform offers partners customization options, access to a unique partner dashboard, access to nonsensitive registrant data, opt-ins, customizable survey questions, and tracking options.
Partners have secure access to the nonsensitive registrant data needed to match back to the voter file and perform get-out-the-vote efforts. Data is available in CSV format through the partner dashboard, or can also be accessed via Rock the Vote’s API and dropped into any database or custom format needed.
Email to sign up.
The OVR widget is immediately ready to use—partners can grab their embed code and immediately begin registering voters. Partners can also upload their logo, add two optional survey questions, and request volunteers.
Featured partner: WeWork is able to seamlessly register voters online using a simple widget.

White Label
Partners also have the option to customize the look and feel of their OVR tool within the partner dashboard, including: modifying the CSS, tailored chase emails from a partner’s email address, and various tracking options.
Featured partner: The Women’s March customized a registration tool for its “Hear Our Vote” campaign in their 10 Actions/100 Days movement.
Custom Interface
An application programming interface (API) is available for developers to build a custom solution for voter registration. This will allow partners that are interested in additional functionality, a modified user flow, or a mobile app to build upon Rock the Vote’s existing resources. Read the documentation here and contact us to gain access.
Featured partner: VotoLatino uses Rock the Vote’s API as the backend infrastructure for its innovative voter registration app VoterPal.

- Personal information collected through the tool is held on a secure server.
- Sensitive information is used to populate the voter registration form, and is immediately discarded.
- Nonsensitive data is available to partners through our secure dashboard.
- We provide ongoing technical support for enhancements and integration with your apps and services.
- We ensure that the tool is compliant with applicable state registration laws, and is updated/verified regularly.
- We work to integrate our tool with states that offer online voter registration so that fewer voters have to print and mail their forms.
Terms of Use
These Terms of Use govern your use of Rock the Vote’s (“RTV’s”) Online Voter Registration Tool (the “Tool”) and information provided to you based on your use of the Tool. By using the Tool, you agree to these terms. Rock the Vote reserves the right to update these TOU at any time.
- Privacy and Security
All users are subject to RTV’s Privacy and Security Policies.
- Rock the Vote Branding
The Tool will include a “Powered by Rock the Vote” graphic and a link to the homepage.
- Data Collection
RTV may contact all individuals who opt-in to receive information from RTV.
- Evaluation of Tool Functionality
Subject to RTV’s Privacy & Security Policies, information provided by registrants using the Tool supported on RTV servers will be provided to a voter file vendor for the purpose of evaluating Tool functionality and effectiveness.
- Digital Advertising
Partners are not permitted to run paid digital advertising programs directed at driving traffic to the Tool without prior authorization from RTV. Any paid digital advertising will require a separate agreement with RTV, which may include additional fees.
- Accessing the OVR System at remote locations
Partners who plan to use the OVR system remotely (i.e. at an event or concert) must utilize mobile devices, such as a phone or tablet, that is free of all potential malware. Devices that have been “jail broken” are not acceptable for use. When remotely accessing the OVR system, partners must prioritize using a vetted, known wireless connection. If that is not available, the devices must exclusively use cellular networks to access the system. It is not acceptable to access the OVR system though unknown, unsecured wireless access points.
Each partner organization registered for an OVR tool is the only entity approved to use their tool. Partner organizations shall not re-license the tools to any entity without advance written consent of RTV. Under no circumstances will RTV consent to allow partners to charge users or partners to access the OVR tool.